Overview of Howard Glasser's Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA)
Howard Glasser got it right. He developed the Nurtured Heart Approach in the 1990s, based on his extensive work with the most challenging children and their families. His epiphany�.the more you use traditional parenting/traditional therapy approaches with challenging and intense children, the worse the behavior became. What he discovered was that most approaches, because they were designed for the average child, get stretched beyond their capacity when applied to challenging children. Traditional approaches easily backfire when applied to challenging children: they inadvertently reward children by providing them more adult energy, relationship and animation when things go wrong. This unintended payoff confuses children, because they perceive a high level of incentive for testing limits and negative behaviors and little incentive to make good choices. The harder adults try these methods, the worse the situation becomes.
"The excellent news is that The Nurtured Heart Approach has been proven to create the transformation very quickly and in an enduring way. Instead of believing that one gets a great deal more from adults through negativity and that positive choices as a less certain bet, the child is moved to believing that he or she can fully invest energy and intelligence in successes" HG
In 1999, Howard Glasser, Founder of the Childrens Success Foundation, put his approach in print in Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach. A decade later, this transformational book remains the bestseller for ADHD. Further, time has proven that this approach also produces substantial success in helping the average child flourish. Howard Glasser subsequently wrote All Children Flourishing- Igniting the Greatness in Every Child.
Today the Nurtured Heart Approach has over 1000 Advanced Trainers and Coaches around the world and the number keeps climbing.
Why? Because families are thirsting for something different and the Nurtured Heart Approach has proven time and time again to transform children and families in a profound and permanent way.
You can also find a Certified Advanced Trainer in your area on both of these websites.
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